Viviana is a slightly smaller version of her father : heartless, arrogant and self-centered. However, she does not share his enthusiasm in villain theatrics, she just enjoys violence for the thrill of it.

A true hedonist at heart, Viviana only does what she desires. She is laid-back and unbothered most of the time. Loves to have a good laugh, and to make others squirm.

Appreciator of smaller things in life, ideally she would smoke, nap and watch TV all day. Despite her lack of energy, she is definitely not a gentle giant - she retaliates the moment someone doesn't abide by her rules.

Viviana is sociable and a party-goer, and has a new sweetheart around her arm every week. However, her intimidating presence makes all of her friends be in a constant state of unease around her.

The only person she has some sort of respect for is Salvador, and they get along quite nicely. He is very proud of her and considers her a prodigy.

On the other hand, she torments her other dad and her little sister. She is protective of them, but she thinks Frank is pathetic and Valentina gets on her nerves.


Viviana, once a highschool wrestling champion, has now lost motivation for most things in life. She would rather not think about the future and just sleep it off.

She is at an impass, unsure about what to do from now on. All of her life she's been told to join the family business, but now she has doubts about it.

However, her father has very high expectations of her, so she moves out for college. Little does he know, is that she flunked out a couple of months ago...
